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How to Launch a Thriving Home Business: Tips for Moms

Pexels – Tatiana Syrikova

Written by Leslie Campos

Thanks to the internet, moms no longer have to choose between their kids and careers. There are so many different ways to work from home. Advancements in e-commerce technology have produced countless digital tools and resources for people striving to launch a business on their own, which should be great news for busy moms.

Still, finding the time—and, importantly, the motivation—to work on your business can be incredibly challenging with kids underfoot. Maggie Perotin explores some steps you can take to make entrepreneurship more attainable.

Ask for Help

You’re bound to come across a few roadblocks as you prepare to launch your business. Do yourself a favor and ask for help overcoming these obstacles. Business consultants, coaches, and specialized freelancers can offer a lot in the way of assistance. For example, business and leadership coach Maggie Perotin can help you establish a simple strategic plan for attracting your first clients.

Depending on your business idea, you may even want to hire a few employees to give your business a running start. Hire team members to take on time-consuming tasks like packing and shipping products or managing content creation. Just be sure to establish a solid payroll system before onboarding staff. To set up payroll for your growing startup, you will need to set a regular pay schedule, review your CRA/ IRS filing obligations, establish a reliable bookkeeping system, and determine how you’re going to pay your workers. A full-service payroll system will make the whole process a lot easier. 

Another option to get help is to hire freelances and other entrepreneurs whose genius zones are to help Mom’s like you to get the business off the ground.

Choose an Idea You’re Passionate About

Most business ideas seem exciting in the beginning, but that initial enthusiasm is going to wear off eventually. Once this happens, it can be tough to carve time out of your busy schedule to work on your business. Feeling passionate about your business idea is key to maintaining your motivation in the long run!

Still looking for your passion? Try thinking back on your experiences. Have you come across a problem that has not yet been solved? Can you think of a way to solve this problem for others in your situation? Think about how you can use your strengths and skills to develop a solution that will provide immense value to others.

Harness Your Stress

Launching a business is bound to add a little stress to your life, and that’s okay!

Occasional stress can drive you towards your business goals. The key is knowing how to harness your stress and channel it into productive activities rather than letting it overcome and overwhelm you. Instead of thinking about your anxiety as a negative feeling, Trello recommends reframing it as excitement or motivation. Try to relate to your anxiety positively and use it as a springboard for your passion. 

Chronic stress, on the other hand, is not healthy. If you’re constantly feeling stressed by your new business, take steps to prevent burnout by reducing your workload. Hiring help—with your business or your home life—can take some weight off your shoulders so you can enjoy a better work-life balance.

Establish a Mompreneur Schedule

You’ll have an easier time finding the energy to work on your business if you stick to a daily schedule. VirtualVocations recommends developing a schedule that aligns with your unique work style, business model, and personal obligations so that you can commit to it day after day.

For example, if you feel the most mentally energized right after lunch, don’t waste those productive hours on insignificant tasks or household chores that require less brainpower. It’s also a good idea to schedule in an hour or so of flexible time that you can use as a lifeline when a project takes longer than anticipated or a family emergency pops up.

There’s something about being a mompreneur that is incredibly liberating. Launching a business opens up a world of opportunity for the stay-at-home mom. Whether you’re looking to earn some extra income, pursue a passion project, or fill some free time while the kids are at school, launching your own business is the way to go.

Are you looking for business coaching or leadership advice? Contact Maggie Perotin for a free brainstorming session today! Fill out the contact form on our website to get in touch.

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