
Category: Mindset

Entrepreneurial Resilience: 4 Reasons Why You Need It and 4 Ways to Build It.

If you’re planning to run your business for 10 years or more, then resilience is something you’ll want to grow and nurture. The American Psychological Association defines resilience as “the process of adapting well in the face of adversity.”  Why is being a resilient, particularly valuable quality for those running a business? Because according to…

The 5 Must-Have Skills to Succeed as a Female Entrepreneur and Where to Learn Them

If you’re a female entrepreneur, you already know that personal development is a foundation of your success. Learning and honing skills is a must. It’s an ongoing journey that never ends, a journey that’s challenging and fun. Because when you grow, your business grows. As your business scales, the specific skills you need will evolve.…

How Mastering Just 3 Things Can Create the Success You’ve Been Looking For

Success doesn’t just happen to you. You need to create it. I’ve seen many articles on why most people will never be successful. But, today, I wanted to write one on how you can be.  Because those who achieved their dream success (and what that means is different for each person) aren’t smarter than you.…

JOURNALING Is Bound to Make an Impact on Your Business. These 5 Ideas Will Show You How.

I’m sure you’ve already heard that journaling has many benefits. It can raise your spirits when you practice gratitude in it. It can help you increase self-awareness. It reduces stress levels when you download all the thoughts mixed in your mind onto paper and then take time to analyze them. And in the process, you…

Entrepreneurial Overwhelm: 5 Reasons for It and 10 Ways to Deal with It.

Being an entrepreneur is not easy, especially in the beginning, but even later on. There’s so much to learn and to do, so much information to filter through, no wonder that can be completely overwhelming. That overwhelm is like tuition fee to the school of hard knocks, a.k.a. Entrepreneurship.   If you’re there now: feeling like…

Your Greatest Opportunity to Become a Highly Performing Entrepreneur Is Now. Don’t Waste It. Read This.

“At the brink of every ending, is a new beginning waiting to be noticed.” Gwen Tuinman This quote from my dear friend, novelist Gwen Tuinman, holds so much power. Every ending starts something new. But are we always prepared for it? Are we ready and open to see when the opportunity presents itself to us?…

23 Quotes to Motivate You When Times Are Hard

I love motivational and inspirational quotes. They bear the truths that sometimes we forget about. Since entrepreneurs deal with lots of challenges regularly, not to mention the current virus crisis, a great motivational quote can change your outlook for the day. That’s why I decided to handpick 23 of my favorite quotes for you to…

Are You Planning to Scale Your Business? Here are 5 Must-Have CEO Skills you ought to acquire.

To launch your business as an entrepreneur, you require all sorts of skills such as drive, determination, grit, creativity, to name a few. Then as your business slowly expands and moves from a hobby to a real deal, a time comes when learning how to become a great leader is a must. And you’ll benefit…

Cracking the Entrepreneurial Mindset Code

Entrepreneurial Mindset. Is it even a thing? It depends on whom you ask. Those who’ve never run a business of their own will have no idea what that is, just like people who’ve never stepped out of their comfort zone don’t know how it feels. Nevertheless, if you’ve never run a business and are thinking…

Why Business Alignment Is Something, You Can’t Afford to Ignore.

Have you ever heard of the alignment in the business context? Or just your health and body? Even if you only heard about the latter, there are many similarities between the two and three main things you must know right away and can’t afford to ignore about achieving alignment in your business. Just like with…


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