
Entrepreneurial Resilience: 4 Reasons Why You Need It and 4 Ways to Build It.

If you’re planning to run your business for 10 years or more, then resilience is something you’ll want to grow and nurture. The American Psychological Association defines resilience as “the process of adapting well in the face of adversity.”  Why is being a resilient, particularly valuable quality for those running a business? Because according to…

The 5 Must-Have Skills to Succeed as a Female Entrepreneur and Where to Learn Them

If you’re a female entrepreneur, you already know that personal development is a foundation of your success. Learning and honing skills is a must. It’s an ongoing journey that never ends, a journey that’s challenging and fun. Because when you grow, your business grows. As your business scales, the specific skills you need will evolve.…

5 Moments Of Courage. 5 Difficult Decisions. How I’m Creating My Happy Dream Life.

Mother Nature is in constant change and evolution. And we as humans are part of that change. Some of it happens to us, and we need to chose how we react to it. But also, in many instances, we have the power to create change for ourselves.  Looking back at my life, I can identify…

7 Principles of Social Media Marketing that Will Ensure Your Long-Term Success

Social media is the place to be to market your business. Of course, if you’re an online entrepreneur, that’s a no-brainer and a must. But even if you relied on “local word of mouth,” COVID changed that. The pandemic has shown us that if you don’t have a way to sell and market your offering…

15 Proven Ways to Boost Your Focus and Become More Productive

A significant portion of my business coaching revolves around helping entrepreneurs regain focus, eliminate distractions, and become more productive. By productive, I don’t mean work more or harder. I mean, work smarter and gain better results within the time you’re already spending on your business. It turns out that my experience aligns with research showing…

Are Fewer People Buying from You Lately? Here Are 10 Reasons Why.

All businesses go through cycles: building up momentum, booming with having more clients than they can take on, and dry spells with fewer people buying. The COVID pandemic has been a hard hit on many businesses. Some were able to pivot and thrive, some maintained their income, some had to shut down. Running a successful,…

How Mastering Just 3 Things Can Create the Success You’ve Been Looking For

Success doesn’t just happen to you. You need to create it. I’ve seen many articles on why most people will never be successful. But, today, I wanted to write one on how you can be.  Because those who achieved their dream success (and what that means is different for each person) aren’t smarter than you.…

Karoshi? Not If You Take Vacation.

Even though North American work ethic is not as extreme as Japanese, we’re still not taking as much vacation as our European neighbors. And yet vacation has sooooo many benefits that it should be easy to choose it over karoshi (a Japanese term for death by overwork). Because the vacation season has begun and COVID…

Simple Isn’t Easy. But Easy Doesn’t Bring Success. It’s time to KonMari your business!

Good sound decisions require ‘mental energy’ that gets depleted throughout the day by various circumstances. That’s why simplicity has so much power. When you keep things simple in your business, you can maximize your decision-making capabilities and with it your results. Did you know why Steve Jobs was almost always dressed up the same in…

JOURNALING Is Bound to Make an Impact on Your Business. These 5 Ideas Will Show You How.

I’m sure you’ve already heard that journaling has many benefits. It can raise your spirits when you practice gratitude in it. It can help you increase self-awareness. It reduces stress levels when you download all the thoughts mixed in your mind onto paper and then take time to analyze them. And in the process, you…